Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Professional Jealousy

Oh, look, a blog!  And I do believe it's mine!  Excuse me while I knock the five inches of dust off my soap box here.

 So then.  I suppose I should have something update-ish on here about what I've been doing with my life, etc, but I don't feel like it.  Not today, at least.  We've entered into the time of year in Washington where the weather starts to get to me, and relief isn't due to present itself until April.  As such, I'm a trifle crabby.  So today I'm going to vent about something.

It seems that a number of my friends and associates in the past four to six months have been blessed with opportunities to work on various projects.  This is good.  My issue, is that I have been trying to work on projects of similar nature to these people, with no success.  I'll give you an example of what I mean.

A friend of mine and I have been working on a comic for a while now.  We have 20+ scripts written out, several already drawn and inked, and I've got the website more than half finished.  We need more finished comics before the website launches if we hope to maintain any consistency.  Fine and good, I'm not in a rush, it'll happen.  Where the twitching comes in is that this same friend is drawing another comic, which she started on far more recently that the one she and I have collaborated on, and it's already online.  With several regular updates at that.

Now this is due almost entirely to the fact that I moved and the other author still lives in the same town as my friend and  can harass her to work on things, etc.  Plus, it's easier to have energy for projects if the people you're working with are around to encourage you.  Knowing this does not stop me from being a trifle angsty on the subject.

The other situations are all of a similar ilk.  I'm happy for my friends, I'm glad they have success, I'm just a little envious of it.  Why can't I have success?  Why can't any of these things I've put time and energy and my soul into work for me?  Why is it just being at the right place at the right time counts for so much more than effort ever will?

And I think that's enough crabbiness for right now.  I will go scuttle sideways into the kitchen and make some tea.  Tea improves all things.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the frustration on projects. I have many, many projects that I keep hoping to find the time for, individually and collaboratively. (A few that are supposed to collaborate with you, if I'm not mistaken). And I find that I have a hard enough time making the time for my individual projects, let alone a project that requires scheduling with another person.


    Someday I will have enough time.


    And someday hell will freeze over...

    I'm sorry you're frustrated.

    Love and Hugs.
