Saturday, January 2, 2010

Motivate me

Happy New Year my freakish darlings.

I'm quite sorry to say that I've been most naughty when it comes to updating this blog. Shame on me. I will endeavor to do better in this shiny and untouched year that is stretching out before us. I will endeavor to do many things better. I feel tingly and full of promise. Which is interesting, because that's not a feeling I usually have at the New Year. I usually sit here going "well, here we go, second verse same as the first".

Now surely this is where you would want to ask me about my resolutions, but I do not believe in New Years resolutions. I do, however, have some goals, a couple are particularly long term, and because of my giving and generous nature I will share them with you.

My first goal, and perhaps my most long term, is 50 pounds in 5 years. By the time I am 35 I want to be in the best shape I've been in for the whole of my adult life. This includes, amongst other things, losing ten pounds a year for the next five years. Why only ten pounds you ask? Because I intend to replace a lot of my weight with muscle. I need to be stronger. If for no other reason than because I don't know how much longer Corwyn will need someone capable of physically restraining him. He's getting bigger and stronger every day, and if he really fought me I probably couldn't hold him.

My second goal is to come up with a way of bringing in extra income while still taking advantage of this time I have to help the children towards independence. I can't hold down a conventional job at this time because of the kids' conflicting school schedules, but we need more income. I have a handful of ideas. I need to begin implementing them. If I can do that, and we can stop worrying so much about income, then I can use this opportunity to restructure things at home and make the most out of this time where Corwyn is concerned.

My third goal (and it applies to the first two, so maybe I should adjust goal order) is to set myself to a schedule every day. Just a list of things to do which I can check off through the day. I accomplish more if I'm kept on task.

My final goal is to take the me that lives in the corner of my mind and shove her out into the light a little more often. You'll know her when you encounter her. She's utterly fabulous.

And that's all for now, kittens. Be good to yourselves, and to somebody else.

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