Thursday, September 17, 2009

And the Author said, "Let there be words..."

So I sit here in my new apartment, looking out the window at the sliver of Puget Sound that I can see between trees and buildings. A new place, a new school year just started, and a sense of promise and anticipation begins to seep back into the sepia tones of my life, bringing with it color and vivacity. My reality has been shaken like a Magic 8 Ball, and Fortuna smiles as the purple haze thins to reveal "All signs point to yes".

What better way to celebrate this tingle of potential than with a new blog? Well, perhaps there are better ways. Several better ways. Oh, stop raining on my parade.

I decided to collect my ramblings to a more centralized location. This will be it. I'm not going to promise to update daily - not yet at least - but I'll at least make an attempt at regularly. Rants, recipes, club reviews, art critiques, music news, all this and more shall be filtering its way through my words and out into the primordial ooze that is the internet. What shall be born of this? Best not to speculate.

But, gentle reader, let me assure you that whatever my warblings come to, it will be a most magnificent journey.

- Sway

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